Rabbeinu Meshulam Zalman Hakohen was born in 1739. He studied under Rav Yonasan Eibshitz (author of Kreisi U’pleisi). Rav Meshulam Zalman was an incredible teacher and leader, and he used those skills to head the largest Yeshiva of his generation – The Yeshiva of Fürth. Hundreds of students flocked to hear his wisdom; many of these pupils went on to become great Torah luminaries in their own right. One of his closest disciples, Rav Binyamin Wolf Hamburg, wrote that majority of the Torah scholars of that generation were students of Rav Meshulam Zalman. His most famous work titled Bigdei Kehuna is a collection of responsa on a wide range of topics, as well as a section of novellea on Bava Metzia and Gitten. He also authored a sefer on Chumash titled Mishan Hamayim. Upon reaching the age of 70, Rav Meshulam Zalman composed an ethical will titled Nachlas Avos intended to be learned by his children and students. Rav Meshulam Zalmen Hakoen passed away in 1820.