Rav Shlomo Pappenheim (מחבר יריעות שלמה ועוד)

Rav Shlomo Pappenheim was born in 1740 in Zülz/Biała – then a part of Prussia, today considered southern Poland. Rav Shlomo served as the Rav of Breslau (Wrocław) for many years, and was renowned as an expert on the Hebrew language, and authored several works on the topic. As Rav Shlomo grew older, he took R’ Wolf Heidenheim as a pupil and taught him everything he knew in the area of dikduk, including giving him the manuscript of the second volume of his sefer Yerias Shlomo (which Heidenheim eventually published many years later). He then committed himself to Torah study until his passing in 1814.