Rabbeinu Yaakov Hakohen Paprish was born in Prague in the mid 1600’s. He was a close disciple of Rav Avraham Broda (author of Eishel Avraham) while in Prague, and followed him when he moved to Frankfurt. In 1698, Rav Yaakov was appointed as the Rav of Koblenz, Germany, and in 1718, Rav Paprish accepted the prestigious position as Rosh Yeshiva together with the post of Av Bais Din in the city of Frankfurt. The Yeshiva became a beacon of Torah for all of European Jewry and numerous students flocked to learn under him. Among his well-known students are Rav Elchonon Ashkenazi (author of Sidrei Tahara), Rav Nosson Maz (author of Binyan Shlomo), Rav Dovid Tevele Schiff (author of Lashon Zahav), Rav Yosef Steinhardt (author of Zichron Yosef), and Rav Yaakov Berlin (author of Baer Yaakov). Rav Yaakov Paprish passed away in 1740 and Rav Yaakov Yehoshua Falk (author of Pnei Yehoshua) was his successor. The sefer Shev Yaakov was published posthumously and is a fundamental collection of halachic responsa from that time period.