Rav Yedidya Tiah Weil (מחבר אדני כסף ועוד)

Rabbeinu Yedidya Tiah Weil was born in Prague in 1721. His father was the famous Rav Nesanel Weil, author of the Korban Nesanel, who was serving as the Assistant Rav in Prague at that time. Rav Yedidya began his learning with his illustrious father, and later learned by Rav Yonasan Eibshitz, who was the Rosh Yeshiva in Prague at that time. In 1742, Rav Yonasan Eibshitz departed from Prague to take a position in Metz. Rav Yedidya left Prague and spent the next few years moving from city to city with numerous stops back in Prague along the way. In 1763, Rav Yedidya moved to Karlsruhe, where, upon his father’s passing in 1769, he was appointed to fill his father’s position of City Rav. Rav Yedidya authored numerous works including sefer Adnei Kesef on meseches Kiddushin, Birchas Yom Tov on meseches Chagigah, Ginzei Hamelech on the Rambam Hilchos Megillah, and Marbeh L’saper on the Hagada Shel Pesach. Rav Yedidya Tiah Weil served as the Rav in Karlsruhe until his passing in 1805.