Rav Yosef Dovid Zintzheim (מחבר יד דוד ועוד)

Rabbeinu Yosef Dovid Zintzheim was born in1741 in Trier, Germany. Rav Yosef Dovid had a long rabbinical career, serving as a Rosh Yeshiva in Biesheim and later as the Rav of Strasbourg. His career culminated with his appointment to head the rabbinical assembly (Sanhedrin) established by Napoleon. Rav Zintzheim was recognized as the leading halachic authority in France at that time, and was well respected in both Jewish and non-Jewish circles. He composed many seforim, however most of them have remained in manuscript. His works include Yad Dovid on Shas, Shalal Dovid on Chumash, and Minchas Onion. Rav Yosef Dovid Zintzheim passed away in 1812.