Rav Yosef Steinhardt (מחבר זכרון יוסף ועוד)

Rav Yosef Steinhardt was born in 1720 in the city of Steinhardt, Bavaria. Rav Yosef was a disciple of Rav Yaakov Paprish (author of Shev Yaakov) and gained his method of authoritative halacha from him. He served as the Rav in many communities across Germany, the final one being the city of Fürth in 1763. Recognized as one of the leading halachic authorities of his time, Rav Yosef composed hundreds of responsa which were later printed in his sefer Zichron Yosef. He authored two additional works; Mashbir Bar on Chumash, and Koach Hashor on Bava Basra. Rav Yosef Steinhardt passed away in 1776.